[scikit-learn] BIRCH fro streaming data

Shukla Sharma shukla.sharma at ensait.fr
Sun Jun 30 14:13:02 EDT 2019

Dear Scikit Team,

I am working to build a recommendation model on streaming data.
Algorithm used: BIRCH

# trained with 1000 records

label count is 1000
and cluster count is 4

joblib_file = filename
joblib.dump(birch_model, joblib_file)

joblib_model = joblib.load(joblib_file)

# trained with 100 new records records
joblib_model .partial_fit(x)

label count is 100
and cluster count is 3

Is it a correct way to apply on streaming data?
I could not find any documentation which explains that "when we retrain the model with a new set of records it also carries previous information".

Thanks & Regards,
Shukla Sharma

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