[scikit-learn] Predict Method of OneVsRestClassifier Integration with Google Cloud ML

Liam Geron liam at chatdesk.com
Wed Apr 10 13:25:56 EDT 2019

Hi all,

I was hoping to get some guidance re: changing the result of the predict
method of the OneVsRestClassifier to return a dense array rather than a
sparse array, given that Google Cloud ML only accepts dense numpy arrays as
a result of a given models predict method. Right now my model architecture
looks like:

model = Pipeline([('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer()), ('clf',

Which returns a sparse array with the predict method. I saw the Stack
Overflow post here:

which recommends overwriting the predict method with the predict_proba
method, however I found that I can't serialize the model after doing so. I
also have a stack overflow post here:
details the specific pickling error.

Is this a known issue? Is there an accepted way to convert this into a
dense array?

Liam Geron
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