[scikit-learn] API Discussion: Where shall we put the plotting functions?

Hanmin Qin qinhanmin2005 at sina.com
Tue Apr 2 10:36:03 EDT 2019

See https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/13448
We've introduced several plotting functions (e.g., plot_tree and plot_partial_dependence) and will introduce more (e.g., plot_decision_boundary) in the future. Consequently, we need to decide where to put these functions. Currently, there're 3 proposals:
(1) sklearn.plot.plot_YYY (e.g., sklearn.plot.plot_tree)
(2) sklearn.plot.XXX.plot_YYY (e.g., sklearn.plot.tree.plot_tree)
(3) sklearn.XXX.plot.plot_YYY (e.g., sklearn.tree.plot.plot_tree, note that we won't support from sklearn.XXX import plot_YYY)
Joel Nothman, Gael Varoquaux and I decided to post it on the mailing list to invite opinions.
Hanmin Qin
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