[scikit-learn] Dimension Reduction - MDS

Brown J.B. jbbrown at kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Oct 9 06:51:59 EDT 2018

Hello Guillaume,

You are computing a distance matrix of shape 70000x70000 to generate MDS
That is 49,000,000 entries, plus overhead for a data structure.

If you try with a very small (e.g., 100 sample) data file, does your code
employing MDS work?
As you increase the number of samples, does the script continue to work?

Hope this helps you get started.

2018年10月9日(火) 18:22 Guillaume Favelier <Guillaume.Favelier at lip6.fr>:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to use some dimension reduction algorithm [1] on my dataset
> [2] in a
> python script [3] but for some reason, Python seems to consume a lot of my
> main memory and even swap on my configuration [4] so I don't have the
> expected result
> but a memory error instead.
> I have the impression that this behaviour is not intended so can you
> help me know
> what I did wrong or miss somewhere please?
> [1]: MDS -
> http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.manifold.MDS.html
> [2]: dragon.csv - 69827 rows, 3 columns (x,y,z)
> [3]: dragon.py - 10 lines
> [4]: dragon_swap.png - htop on my workstation
> TAR archive:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d1S99XeI7wNEq131wkBUCBrctPQRgpxn
> Best regards,
> Guillaume Favelier
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