[scikit-learn] time complexity of tree-based model?

Sebastian Raschka mail at sebastianraschka.com
Thu Dec 20 02:19:48 EST 2018

Say n is the number of examples and m is the number of features, then a naive implementation of a balanced binary decision tree is O(m * n^2 log n). I think scikit-learn's decision tree cache the sorted features, so this reduces to O(m * n log n). Than, to your O(m * n log n) you can multiply the number of decision trees in the forest 


> On Dec 20, 2018, at 1:09 AM, lampahome <pahome.chen at mirlab.org> wrote:
> I do some benchmark in my experiments and I almost use ensemble-based regressor.
> What is the time complexity if I use random forest regressor? Assume I only set variable  estimators=100 and others doesn't enter.
> thx
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