[scikit-learn] pipeline for modifying target and number of samples

Andreas Mueller t3kcit at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 09:45:44 EDT 2018

The naming seems a bit unfortunate with seqlearn ;)

On 08/02/2018 07:25 AM, David Burns wrote:
> Hi,
> I posted a while back about this, and am reposting now since I have 
> made progress on this topic. As you are probably aware, the sklearn 
> Pipeline only supports transformers for X, and the number of samples 
> must stay the same.
> I work with time series where the learning pipeline relies on 
> transformations like resampling, segmentation, etc that change the 
> target and number of samples in the data set. In order to address 
> this, I created an sklearn compatible pipeline that handles 
> transformers that alter X, y, and sample_weight together. It can 
> undergo model selection using the sklearn tools, and integrates with 
> all the sklearn transformers and estimators. It also has some new 
> options for setting hyper-parameters with callables and in reference 
> to other parameters.
> The implementation is in my time series package seglearn:
> https://github.com/dmbee/seglearn
> - Best
> David Burns
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