[scikit-learn] partial_fit implementation for IsolationForest

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Fri Jun 10 09:31:58 EDT 2016

> However, at present, IsolationForest only fits data in batch even while it may be well suited to incremental on-line learning since one could subsample recent history and older estimators can be dropped progressively.

What you describe is quite different from what sklearn models
typically do with partial_fit. partial_fit is more about out-of-core /
streaming fitting rather than true online learning with explicit

In particular what you suggest would not accept calling partial_fit
with very small chunks (e.g. from tens to a hundred samples at a time)
because that would not be enough to develop deep isolation trees and
would harm the performance of the resulting isolation forest.

If the problem is true online learning (tracking a stream of training
data with expected shifts in its distribution) I think it's better to
devise a dedicated API that does not try to mimic the scikit-learn API
(for this specific part). There will typically have to be an
additional hyperparameter to control how much the model should
remember about old samples.

If the problem is more about out-of-core, then partial_fit is suitable
but the trees should grow and get reorganized progressively (as
pointed by others in previous comments).

BTW,  I would be curious to know more about the kind of anomaly
detection problem where you found IsolationForests to work well.


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