[scikit-image] ImagePy 2018 (Sorry, forgeot the snapshot)

imagepy at sina.com imagepy at sina.com
Mon Jan 22 00:03:12 EST 2018

Here is two snapshot, Windows, Mac
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收件人:"scikit-image" <scikit-image at python.org>
主题:[scikit-image] ImagePy 2018
日期:2018年01月22日 12点49分

Hi everyone:I wrote ImagePy in the last year. It's a plugin framework, like ImageJ, but based on Python and Numpy.
I wrote a ImageJ style ui at first, but now I wrote a more powerful ui, with a toolbox, many widgets, and a developer sute: macros recorder, python console, command finder... and we can extend the tools, commands, widgets by Python plugins. 
I had test it on Windows, Mac, Linux, you can try it here:https://github.com/Image-Py/imagepy. and a snapshot attached! And I had wrote many documents(in Chinese), and have some users in my country. There is some plan in 2018, please give me some advice.
1. I will write more documents, and translate it in English (I need help)2. I will try to do some lecture in local college.3. I am writting a book, introduce some skill in image-processing, not aimed at program, but with many example in biology and material. And show how to do this using ImagePy.4. I want to publish some paper (many  users use ImagePy, and ask me how to quote ImagePy. But I do not know well how to write and where to publish)5. Many user say that they like ImagePy, but they worry about the authority. For ImagePy is not as known as ImageJ or ImagePro Plus now. And If they use ImagePy in there paper, they also worry the paper checker did not trust in ImagePy. But Infact, ImageJ is just a plugin framework, and the plugins are wrote by many people, in good/bad quality. But ImagePy are a wrapper for scipy.ndimage, scikit-image, opencv... Scikit-image are in BSD License, So I want to know if I can say, ImagePy has a core of scikit-image, And most algorithm are supported by scikit-image?6. If possible If there is some way to get little economic support? I just wrote it in my spare time, If there is some support, I can devote more time.
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