[scikit-image] +1 for releasing 0.14.1

Mark Harfouche mark.harfouche at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 17:06:55 EDT 2018

Hey all,

I know Jua expressed some interest for releasing 0.14.1.
I just wanted to chime in and support his desire to do this.

I am getting bit by a few numpy 1.15 warnings (from an other library) that
annoyed me so much that I had to add


import warnings

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Using a non-tuple sequence for


to my personal working module so as to ignore those warnings for good.

I suspect others might be driven to do the same.

Since scikit-image has fixed these warnings, it would be good to give users
an option to upgrade and get rid of the warnings that come from our library.

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