[scikit-image] Python 3 transition

Johannes Schönberger jsch at demuc.de
Sun Nov 12 14:10:01 EST 2017


This sounds like a good plan to me. This means that Python 2 is still supported and up to date for at least another year with scikit-image, but internally we can already start taking advantage of Python 3 features. Also, I have the feeling that there is already relatively good Python 3 support in the scientific community at this point. It will only get better in another year when we release 0.15.


> On Nov 11, 2017, at 7:33 AM, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv at berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Hi, everyone
> I'd like to make a 4th attempt to determine our transition pathway to
> Python 3.  The last thread is here:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/scikit-image/2017-July/005304.html
> I would like to propose that the next version, 0.14 (scheduled for March
> of next year), becomes the last targeted for Python 2.  It will also be
> an LTS (Long Time Support), which means we will backport serious fixes
> for a period of one year.  0.15 will then target Python >= 3.5 only
> (sorry, no f-strings yet!).
> Let me know your thoughts.
> Stéfan
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