[scikit-image] Observed difference between skimage.filters.rank.mean and scipy.signal.convolve2d

Poughon Victor Victor.Poughon at cnes.fr
Thu Nov 2 04:53:07 EDT 2017


I looks like skimage.filters.rank.mean and scipy.signal.convolve2d don't output exactly the same images. When doing:

    image = data.coins()
    K = np.ones((11, 11))

    rank_mean = rank.mean(image, selem=K)
    naive_convolve = convolve2d(image, K, mode="same") / K.sum()

All output pixel are different, with an absolute difference varying randomly between 0 and 1. Of course there's also a massive difference at the border, but that's expected because convolve2d treats image boundaries differently. But even in the center of the image all pixels are different. I've made a test script with an illustrated output image, you can check it out in this gist:


Am I doing something wrong?


Victor Poughon

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