Dropping support for 2.7 in 2020

Nathaniel Smith njs at vorpus.org
Fri May 20 22:20:36 EDT 2016

On May 20, 2016 07:30, "Michael Sarahan" <msarahan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think this is a concern for cython or scikit-image, but many
people at bumping into the language support limit in the C++11 sense with
Python 2.7 on Windows.  Since VS 2008 is the de-facto standard compiler for
Python 2.7, people are unable to use C++11 code in modules for Python 2.7.
Some people use newer compilers anyway, which sometimes works, but is
mixing runtimes, and can lead to bugs or crashes.  Many people would like
to support Python 2.7 using a different compiler for the whole ecosystem.
One example is Ilastik, by folks at HHMI, using VS 2012 to have a custom
stack: https://github.com/ilastik/ilastik-build-conda

I think getting mingwpy finished and polished is probably an easier
solution for this problem than forking the entire py27-on-windows ecosystem

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