jpeg image being read differently

Vimal Thilak vimalthilak at
Thu Mar 3 15:13:23 EST 2016


I have two servers on which I have installed skimage. When I do an on these two machines with the same image file, I noticed 
a difference in the shape of the returned image array:

Machine 1:

image_name = /path/to/JPEG

img =

>>> img.shape

(3000, 4000, 3)

Machine 2:

img =

>>> img.shape

(2, )

Both machines have skimage version '0.11.3'. I believe that both systems 
have Pillow installed. I do not know the version of Pillow. I did change 
the plug-in to matplotlib on Machine 2 and saw that the image was being 
read correctly. However, I'm curious to know the reason for this difference 
and what I can do to fix my machine #2

Furthermore, how do I find the version of Pillow installed on my system? A 
google search didn't come up with anything that was helpful (i.e, 
copy-pastable solution) :)


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