Dropping support for 2.7 in 2020

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 05:38:50 EDT 2016

I'd like to revive this discussion with a bit of added context. We 
(principally people from IPython/Jupyter, Matplotlib, Sympy and Scikit-bio) 
are putting together a statement for Scientific Python community projects 
to signal that we're not planning to maintain Python 2 support forever. 
We're saying that we will end Python 2 support in or before 2020, to 
correspond with the end of support for Python 2.7 itself.


The more projects that get on board with this, the better we can make the 
case that researchers and users need Python 3 to be available. Then we can 
all benefit from a reduced maintenance burden. So scikit-image wouldn't be 
making a lone stand on this - there are a number of projects already 
agreeing to drop Python 2 support by 2020, and we hope there will be more 


On Monday, 23 May 2016 04:30:21 UTC+1, Juan Nunez-Iglesias wrote:
> I would drop 2.7 sooner. NumPy/SciPy dropping it is the absolute cutoff, 
> but there’s no reason why we can’t jump the gun (and lead rather than 
> follow). Py2.7 users can make do with older releases. As Stéfan mentioned, 
> this is not about erasing Py2.7 support, but not releasing new features on 
> Py2.7. Very different. I envision that we stop producing Py2.7 releases 
> after 0.13, but we call that an “LTS” release which will get bugfix 
> backports until 2020.
> imho, with Py3.4 and especially Py3.5, Py3-only suddenly became very 
> attractive. My three favourite features are type annotations, keyword-only 
> arguments (these two together make it much easier to produce correct code 
> and debug), and the @ matrix multiplication operator. The latter makes 
> linear algebra code *so* *much* nicer to read and write, and we have our 
> fair share in scikit-image. For my own projects, I am now Py3.5-only, 
> always.
> Finally, as others have mentioned, but is worth restating:
> - Conda allows user-space installs of Python versions and packages, so you 
> don’t ever depend on your sysadmin-controlled environment.
> - It is *absolutely false* that conda packages are only useful on Windows 
> — I have failed to compile scipy both on OSX and Ubuntu boxes.
> - It is also *not* a requirement to download the monolithic Anaconda 
> distro — with miniconda (which should be the default), you just install 
> precisely what you need.
> - With conda-forge we now have a community-run repository of binary conda 
> packages.
> So, in short, the switch to Py3 is easier than ever for *all* users, some 
> might just not realise it yet ;), and switching to a Py3-only programming 
> environment is a boon to all the scikit-image devs… though again some might 
> not realise it yet ;).
> Juan.
> On 21 May 2016 at 12:20:38 PM, Nathaniel Smith (n... at vorpus.org 
> <javascript:>) wrote:
> On May 20, 2016 07:30, "Michael Sarahan" <msar... at gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> > I don't think this is a concern for cython or scikit-image, but many 
> people at bumping into the language support limit in the C++11 sense with 
> Python 2.7 on Windows.  Since VS 2008 is the de-facto standard compiler for 
> Python 2.7, people are unable to use C++11 code in modules for Python 2.7.  
> Some people use newer compilers anyway, which sometimes works, but is 
> mixing runtimes, and can lead to bugs or crashes.  Many people would like 
> to support Python 2.7 using a different compiler for the whole ecosystem.  
> One example is Ilastik, by folks at HHMI, using VS 2012 to have a custom 
> stack: https://github.com/ilastik/ilastik-build-conda
> I think getting mingwpy finished and polished is probably an easier 
> solution for this problem than forking the entire py27-on-windows ecosystem 
> :-)
> -n
> --
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