0.12 release

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org
Sun Feb 7 10:32:32 EST 2016

Dear all,

after having pressed everyone to finish pull requests and promised to
take care of the release, I'm having a few busy days during which I can't
find time to work on the release. It's going to be much better starting
from Tuesday evening, so please bear with me and be patient: the release
is (still) coming! And it means that there are still a few days to
complete outstanding items on TODO.txt :-)


On Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 10:29:58AM -0800, Stéfan van der Walt wrote:
> On 3 February 2016 at 09:21, Emmanuelle Gouillart
> <emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org> wrote:
> > Thanks for preventing us from being carried away by the excitement of the
> > release :-D

> Let me not stand in the way!  I have three months' worth of happiness
> pent up for the moment that tag gets applied.

> Onward :)

> Stéfan

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