Matlab Equlilavent Functions

Josh Warner silvertrumpet999 at
Wed Aug 17 22:11:59 EDT 2016

This functionality is mostly available in `skimage.morphology`. Matlab's 
strel is instead some utility functions, most notably `disk`. Morphological 
operations of dilation and erosion, as well as closing/opening, are 
available there as well. The names are slightly different but their use is 
straightforward. Use binary_* prefix for binary and no prefix for 
grayscale, e.g. binary_dilation vs dilation.

On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 5:16:07 AM UTC-5, KRISHNAMOOORTHY P wrote:
> Is there a Python Equivalent  Functions for following matlab functions
>    - strel
>    - imdilate
>    - imclose
>    - bwmorph
>    - bwareaopen
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