Migration to Python 3.x

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 11:29:23 EDT 2016

A small factual correction:

On Wednesday, 10 August 2016 05:14:49 UTC+1, Johannes Schönberger wrote:
> And it seems the latest Ubuntu is still on 3.4...

This is not accurate - Ubuntu 16.04 (the LTS release that came out in April 
this year), has Python 3.5:

Ubuntu 15.10 is no longer supported (non-LTS releases get 9 months 
support). Of course there will still be users on 14.04, and even 12.04, for 
some time.

I don't want to push an aggressive policy on the project, but I would 
encourage you to make plans for dropping Python 2 support at some time in 
the next few years, and sign http://python3statement.github.io/ . I know 
this may feel like 'users vs developers' at the moment, but I don't think 
it's that simple. The split between Python 3 and 2 has been causing users 
headaches for several years now. The only realistic way to end this is to 
complete the transition, so that Python 3 becomes the standard answer for 
everything but large legacy codebases. There's little impetus to make 
Python 3 available in institutional environments so long as people assume 
that all important Python projects will always support Python 2. So when we 
make this decision as a community, rather than individual projects, I think 
it ultimately helps both users and developers. These groups also have 
common interests - developers who spend less effort on compatibility work 
can pay more attention to more interesting improvements.

With the Python 3 statement, we believe we're setting a relaxed timetable: 
projects only commit to dropping Python 2 support by 2020, which is still 
four years away. We expect to be on Python 3.7 by that time. The aim is not 
to leave Python 2 users in the lurch, but to give everyone plenty of notice 
that support for Python 2 will come to an end, so that they can plan a 
transition in good time.

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