Migration to Python 3.x

Johannes Schönberger jsch at demuc.de
Wed Aug 10 00:14:45 EDT 2016

As stated earlier, a big -1 from my side on moving to all Python 3.x for 0.14 already. Not because I personally don't think it provides some benefits, but let me explain:

I don't see enough of a benefit of replacing a few np.dot's with the @ syntax or pure keyword based arguments for the few functions we add/change in one version jump. It doesn't make the code faster, more correct or more feature complete. The API will look and work the same from a users perspective from 2.7-3.5. Required features (which are usually rare) from newer numpy/scipy versions can be handled easily inside the respective functions with an exception. 

In my experience, many of the scikit-image users I know are actually less knowledgable about how to setup a new Python environment from scratch. And it seems the latest Ubuntu is still on 3.4 and Mac also doesn't ship with 3.5 - which leaves out the @ syntax anyway. Also, many of the cluster users are still stuck on 2.x for quite a while. I think, we will lose a significant amount of users without a real benefit. 

I don't see a compelling reason to lock out X% of users at this point. I can only judge by the feedback in this thread, but 3 out of 5 people seem to have problems with the proposed way forward. It would be nice if there was some way of obtaining installation statistics from PyPI or Anaconda to get a better picture here. 

The real benefit comes with 3.5, hence I propose to follow the current model to support 2.7-3.x and reevaluate the situation for 0.15. Eventually, 3.5 will be more widespread and in the meantime we do not really sacrifice anything on our side. Doing a find/replace on np.dot/__future__ will work in a year just as fine as it does now. 


> On 10 Aug 2016, at 05:17, Nelle Varoquaux <nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9 August 2016 at 19:54, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Nelle Varoquaux <nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> On 9 August 2016 at 19:17, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Nelle Varoquaux
>>>> <nelle.varoquaux at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 9 August 2016 at 17:28, Juan Nunez-Iglesias <jni.soma at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> @Emmanuelle I'm probably among the ones pushing hardest for this, and
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> tell you, I can't wait for this change in policy, and would be sorely
>>>>>> disappointed by having to work in an experimental branch of
>>>>>> scikit-image.
>>>>>> Both @-matmul and keyword-only arguments are, imho, compelling
>>>>>> reasons
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> switch. (Imagine the amount of fiddling with the API that we could do
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> keyword-only arguments, without the annoying deprecation cycle!)
>>>>>> @Ralf I would argue in favour of 3.5, for the above reasons and
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> anyone who had the temerity to update to 3.4 is very likely to
>>>>>> subsequently
>>>>>> move to 3.5. (Self-selected group of early adopters, plus no
>>>>>> backwards
>>>>>> incompatibility issues between the two versions.)
>>>> I agree with this argument, I was just asking to clarify. @ is at least
>>>> something interesting that's specifically added for scientific users, so
>>>> imho 3.5 is the first 3.x release where in some cases the benefits may
>>>> start
>>>> to be worth the costs.
>>>>> That implies that even ubuntu users will have to install python from
>>>>> another source than the package manager. Do you really want this? That
>>>>> means that only fairly advance python users will be able to use the
>>>>> latest scikit-image release.
>>>> In the grand scheme of things, does Ubuntu matter much for this
>>>> decision?
>>>> There are way more Windows and OS X users, so if it's OK for them (which
>>>> is
>>>> not a given) then it should also be OK for those fewer and on average
>>>> more
>>>> computer-literate Ubuntu users.
>>> I don't have a good overview of what OS people are using, but in the
>>> different research facilities I've worked or visited, it was always
>>> linux based, and users where not really tech-savy. I checked on all of
>>> the servers (UW's genome science, the Curie institute, UC Berkeley's
>>> stats department, the Mines' machine learning computing facilities.) I
>>> have access to, none have python3.5. Some of these servers are
>>> "offline", thus conda is useless. All of these research institutes
>>> have teams that use in some way image processing.
>>> I'll just also mentionned that we had a keynote at scipy this year
>>> mentionning she was using python because she just did not have the
>>> time anymore to code in C++ and Java. These are the kind of people
>>> that may be using scikit-image, that may be interested in the latest
>>> version of the package, and yet just not have the time to compile
>>> python3.5 from scratch on an outdated server.
>> Fair enough, but there are likely much more outdated servers with Python 2.7
>> than with Python 3.4 on them .....
> Well… I think it is better to keep python2.7 support :)
> All the clusters I have access to but 1 has python3. The oldest one is
> a red hat based cluster with python2.6 (which was python2.3 not so
> long ago).
> N
>> Ralf
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