Opinion poll: feedback URL upon import

Robin Wilson r.t.wilson.bak at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 26 06:10:34 EDT 2016

I agree with the others: please don't do this!

However, being more obvious about wanting feedback, via the website, 
mailing list, in conference presentations etc, is definitely a good idea.


On Tuesday, 26 April 2016 08:05:42 UTC+1, Christoph wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree with Emma, as a scikit-image user, I would find it annoying.
> Especially if it catches on and many other Python packages start doing the 
> same.
> It’s probably very rare, but if people check the text output of their 
> library or application and use scikit-image somewhere, this could even 
> break their test build.
> In Astropy there has also been some discussion about how to get feedback 
> from users. There the discussion was more along the lines of wanting to 
> collect info which platform, versions are in use, and which sub-packages 
> and functions in the Astropy package are used. I.e. there was discussion 
> about adding some code to send such usage stats info to a server, like many 
> apps do. This didn’t happen, I think the idea has been dropped.
> It would be very nice and important to get more feedback from users!
> But it seems to me that asking for it on the website like Emma proposes or 
> in conversations and presentations might be the safer way.
> Christoph
> On 26 Apr 2016, at 08:49, Emmanuelle Gouillart <emmanuelle... at nsup.org 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hi Stéfan
> I'm quite against it, since it's a feature that would push scikit-image
> to be more an application and less a self-standing library: we would like
> any other package to be able to import skimage in their code without
> bothering about such messages. Indeed, such a message at import is only
> useful/relevant for people that use scikit-image deliberately and as an
> important part of their workflow, not so much for people that import
> skimage in another projects, or that just use a couple of functions of
> scikit-image (but it's not the core part of their workflow). I consider
> it important for scikit-image to be a versatile block of the ecosystem,
> and not only an application at the end of the "food chain". 
> We could advertise the feedback form in a different way, for example by
> making it very visible on the website. With 20000 unique visitors coming
> to the website every month, I hope that we could get some feedback... 
> Best,
> Emma
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 11:29:03PM +0000, Stéfan van der Walt wrote:
> Hi all,
> It has been difficult to discover use cases of scikit-image out in the wild
> (even though I know they are plentiful, and users would excitedly tell me 
> about
> them at conferences once the topic is broached).
> So, I was wondering if it would be considered bad form to print a message 
> upon
> importing scikit-image, something along the lines of:
> "Thank you for using scikit-image v0.12! Please help us by telling us about
> your use-case at http://scikit-image.org/feedback?v=0.12.3"
> Thanks for your feedback,
> Stéfan
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