GSoC 2015 - Accepted Students

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Wed May 6 02:05:20 EDT 2015

Thanks Aman,

I second Stéfan's comments, and I also want to recommend that you proofread
your posts before publishing them. There's quite a few typos in there, e.g.
speeed and spcifying. Typos are no big deal, they happen to all of us, but
they give the impression of carelessness.

Everyone has a different system, but this is mine: I personally never
publish as soon as I finish writing. I finish it, save it, and sleep at
least one night before reading it again. If I spot any typos, they get
fixed and I postpone for another day! It's slower but it makes a huge
difference to the final quality. Reading five times in a row doesn't help
because we become blind to existing errors. Since these posts are up
forever (we hope), I think it's worth it!


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv at>

> Hi Aman
> On 2015-05-05 20:34:42, Aman SIngh <ug201310004 at> wrote:
>> I have changed my blog address to If you can see
>> it and give some suggestions, that would be very helpful. For future posts
>> I will surely keep in mind the suggestions on blog writing.
> I've updated the link on the wiki:
> Thanks for sharing your first blog post!
> I think it would help to clarify the difference between variables with
> types and without types.  To say that the [] operator is slow in Cython is
> misleading, because mostly you will only use that operator once you've
> defined the type of the array.
> Avoid phrases like "these work best", and try to specify what you mean.
> For example, instead of saying
> "In NumPy arrays modes can also be specified. Like 'c' or 'fortran' types.
> These work best when according to our mode of iteration on arrays(row or
> column wise). 'c' mode works best when the iteration is row wise and
> 'fortran' for column wise. "
> try something like
> "The memory layout of a NumPy array can be either Fortran-order (elements
> unpacked along columns) or C-order (elements unpacked along rows).  It is
> best to access the elements of the array in the same order that they appear
> in memory, in order to make efficient use of caching."
> As always, the standard disclaimer: feedback is given (on blogs, PRs and
> the like) not because we enjoy being critical, but because we believe that
> we all learn from one another.  You'll soon enough get the chance to give
> feedback on one of my PRs, which are seldom anywhere near perfect!
> Regards
> Stéfan
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