GSoC 2015 - Accepted Students

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Tue May 5 03:20:30 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the name drop Vighnesh! =)

Welcome Aman and Daniil! I'm really looking forward to your contributions.

Aman, as someone who's struggled, and failed, with the C backend of
ndimage, I'm particularly interested in your project! I'm looking forward
to seeing your work!

As to writing, yes, good writing is a pet peeve of mine. It's tremendously
important, way more than hackers like us naturally realise. And it's
something that you can always improve. I'll post here something that
someone sent me recently as a critique on my writing:

Read, in particular, the section under "The value of your project". As you
write your blog posts, don't just write a simple log of your activities.
Try to express the problems you faced and how you solved them, no matter
how trivial you think they are (e.g. "I stupidly forgot that dictionary
keys are unordered and it caused this bug but now it's fixed through this
PR that uses OrderedDict from the standard library"). And try to express
them in as broad a way as possible, for any programmer, not just people who
are familiar with SciPy internals (a rather small audience!).

See you around!


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 6:23 AM, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv at>

> On 2015-05-04 12:57:59, Даниил Пахомов <warmspringwinds at> wrote:
>> Do you know whether it's possible to change my blog address?  I specified
>> one address in my application and now I want to use another one.
>> Just want to make it using markdown on github and make it so that anyone
>> can push changes in case they find a mistake.
> If you create a repository, you can publish a static
> blog there using Pelican.  Or have a look at something like
> Stéfan
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