GSoC 2015 - Accepted Students

Daniil Pakhomov warmspringwinds at
Sun May 3 14:43:22 EDT 2015

Thanks, Vignesh :)

And I am also happy to see you as a mentor.
Yes, I think it's a good idea. I will write it.

пятница, 1 мая 2015 г., 21:17:19 UTC+2 пользователь Vighnesh Birodkar 
> Hello Everyone
> Please join in in congratulating Aman and Daniil for being a part of GSoC 
> 2015 for scikit-image. We look forward to an awesome summer. 
> I'd like to request Aman and Daniil to join the GSoC specific mailing 
> list[1]. This will mainly hold project specific discussions and updates. 
> Anyone interested in the projects can also join and share their thoughts. 
> As part of PSF, GSoC students are required to write a blog post every 2 
> weeks. It would be nice if we could have an introductory blog post about 
> each project during the community bonding period. About Daniil's project 
> specifically, I'd like to see an overview of his face detection algorithm. 
> Specifically, I'd like to see a pictorial representation of MB-LBP and what 
> exactly the Viola-Jones method has patented.
> Please keep in mind, that these blog posts will not only be read by the 
> mentors, but the general public as well, so they should be easily 
> understandable and also include all the necessary details. A well 
> documented face detection implementation would help gain a lot of traction 
> for the project. Similarly (although I'm not clear about the specifics) if 
> the design and strategy of the cython implementation of ndimage is well 
> documented and explained, it will help the future maintainers enormously.
> For all your blog posts, keep this scenario in mind : A user googles "Face 
> Detection / Python image filters ", and sequentially clicks each link till 
> she/he finds what he wants. 
> I'd also request Stefan and Ralf to chip in with their thoughts and share 
> if they agree/disagree with my ideas about these blog posts (I'm trying to 
> get a hang of this mentoring thing). Also, Juan can share his thoughts, for 
> he use to always push me (and rightfully so) towards writing better last 
> year.
> As a reference, see the blog feeds from last year written by Rishabh and 
> me. You can also dig into previous years' GSoC archives to find more.
> Thanks
> Vighnesh
> [1] :!forum/skimage-gsoc
> [2] :
> [3] :
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