GSoC: Rewriting scipy.ndimage in Cython

AMAN singh ug201310004 at
Tue Mar 24 20:34:55 EDT 2015

Hi Everyone

I have made a basic draft of my proposal here 
Please review it and suggest modifications.

@Ralf and @stefanv thanks for the suggestions.


On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 6:54:06 AM UTC+5:30, AMAN singh wrote:
> Hi developers
> My name is Aman Singh and I am currently a second year undergraduate 
> student of Computer Science department at Indian Institute of Technology, 
> Jodhpur. I want to participate in GSoC'15 and the project I am aiming for 
> is *porting scipy.ndimage to cython*. I have been following scipy for the 
> last few months and have also made some contributions. I came across this 
> project on their GSoC'15 ideas' page and found it interesting.
> I have done some research in the last week on my part. I am going through 
> Cython documentation, scipy lecture on github and Richard's work of GSoC' 
> 14 in which he ported cluster package to cython. While going through the 
> module scipy.ndimage I also found that Thouis Jones had already ported a 
> function ndimage.label() to cython.  I can use that as a reference for 
> the rest of the project.
> Please tell me whether I am on right track or not. If you can suggest me 
> some resources which will be helpful to me in understanding the project, I 
> would be highly obliged. Also, I would like to know that how much part of 
> ndimage is to be ported under this project since it is a big module.  
> Kindly provide me some suggestions and guide me through this.
> Regards,
> Aman Singh
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