Light Exhibit

Stefan van der Walt stefanv at
Mon Mar 23 19:21:16 EDT 2015

Hi everyone

Here's a call for participation in an image exhibition taking 
place in Paris and San Francisco, among others.

Light in all of its forms allows us to communicate, entertain, 
explore, and understand the world we inhabit and the Universe we 
live in. This exhibit shows you some examples of the myriad of 
wonderful things that light can do, and how it plays a critical 
role in our lives every day. 

WE ARE LOOKING FOR IMAGES THAT:  -Illustrate different 
aspects/phenomena of light in nature, such as lensing, reflection, 
refraction, atomic collisions, shadows, etc. Examples might 
include sunsets showing a distorted Sun, auroras, rainbows, 
sunrises, light rays, lightning, Sun halos, moon dogs, etc.  -We 
are also looking for natural photos of biologic importance tied to 
light such as sea turtle hatchlings, migrating birds, butterflies, 
bats at dusk, photosynthesis, sunflowers, etc.  -Microscopic 
images and medically-themed images such as brain scans, images of 
cells, etc.  -Also needed, Earth at Night scences, including our 
views of the Milky Way at night, "light pollution" themed images, 
etc.  -We have pinned examples to Pinterest: -


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