Hi, I would like to offer my help in the next GSoC

Ma ChienLi maqianlie at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 08:16:01 EST 2015

Thank you for your suggestion.
Sorry for the late response. I didn't receive update from my email.
Maybe I can start solving some issues:)

在 2014年12月30日星期二UTC+8下午11时59分06秒,Ma ChienLi写道:
> Hi, everybody~
> I am Ma Chienli, an undergraduate from China, majoring in electronic and 
> information engineering.
> I have beed using python for scientific computation for a year and now I 
> am learning cython.
> I would like to offer my for your next (possible) GSoC project of writting 
> the scipy.ndimage in cython :)
> So, at first, from where should I start?
> Cheers
> Ma
> P.S. I just created another thread which did not show up. If this thread 
> conflicts with it, please delete one of them .
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