Interactive Mona Lisa Demo

Steven Silvester steven.silvester at
Wed Feb 4 22:08:40 EST 2015

Nice Demo Adam!  Perfect teaching point.  Two nits:  you have the absolute 
path to the image hard coded in the file, and of course its only Python 2 
since it relies on TraitsUI  :(.  (Also Chaco is so very hard to work with, 
see for a way to use 
Matplotlib and TraitsUI nicely together in Qt).



On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 6:57:24 PM UTC-6, Adam Hughes wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I made an interactive demo for a class I'm TAing where the user loads an 
> image (default is mona lisa prado) and they can dynamically change HSV or 
> RGB values with sliders, and the altered image is updated in realtime.  The 
> point of this excercise is to try to mimic the fading of the mona lisa 
> prado colors into the tinged yellow version of the original Mona Lisa on 
> display today.  
> This program uses TraitsUI and Chaco for its interactivity, so probably 
> isn't of direct use for the image viewer; however, in the spirit of 
> interactive examples, I thought it would be cool to share.  It was much 
> easier to get Chaco and play nicely with image data than I thought it would 
> be.
> /home/glue/Desktop/monolisa.tar.gz
> *Note: this will be very slow if you use the high-res version of the mona 
> lisa prado, so please start by trying the lowres files*.  
> Requirements:
>    scikit-image
>    numpy
>    chaco
>    traits
>    traitsui
>    enable
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