Interactive Mona Lisa Demo

Adam Hughes hughesadam87 at
Tue Feb 3 19:57:24 EST 2015

Hey everyone,

I made an interactive demo for a class I'm TAing where the user loads an 
image (default is mona lisa prado) and they can dynamically change HSV or 
RGB values with sliders, and the altered image is updated in realtime.  The 
point of this excercise is to try to mimic the fading of the mona lisa 
prado colors into the tinged yellow version of the original Mona Lisa on 
display today.  

This program uses TraitsUI and Chaco for its interactivity, so probably 
isn't of direct use for the image viewer; however, in the spirit of 
interactive examples, I thought it would be cool to share.  It was much 
easier to get Chaco and play nicely with image data than I thought it would 
*Note: this will be very slow if you use the high-res version of the mona 
lisa prado, so please start by trying the lowres files*.  



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