Multiple peaks with peak_local_max

Josh Warner silvertrumpet999 at
Thu Apr 9 14:51:11 EDT 2015

NumPy exclusively uses zero-indexed integers for indexing. What format does 
your raw data come from which has the coordinates?

However, assuming this is a regularly sampled array you should be able to 
map the raw integer coordinate indices to true coordinates. This should be 
a fairly simple operation, but complicated somewhat if rotation is included.

Less efficient in terms of memory, you could separate out known x/y 
coordinates as two separate NumPy arrays. Then directly index those with 
the raw coordinates to return your known good, calibrated values.


On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 10:43:47 AM UTC-5, Forest Applied Remote 
Sensing RG (FARS) wrote:
> Thank you for you answer Josh,
> these red dots are actually an array, where each cell has a coordinate x 
> and y.
> To be honest I wanted to export this red dots with the following structure:
> 590600,00 6890408,00 1019,04
> This image I'm using each pixel has a geographic coordinate. But, at the 
> moment I use the image in the scrip, the coordinates are lost and remains 
> only basic pixel coordinates (i. e. 40, 412, 210).
> I'm quite new at scikit and python. So I'm trying to learn things with 
> practice.
> Thanks for your attention
> Em quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2015 17:22:51 UTC+2, Josh Warner escreveu:
>> @FARS - My recommendation was going to be applying some blur first, I'm 
>> glad that worked for you.
>> How have you labeled the red points in the image above? If they are in a 
>> separate - possibly boolean - array, you can extract the coordinate indices 
>> directly via `np.where` or `np.nonzero`. If not, we'll need a little more 
>> information about those red dots to advise.
>> Josh
>> On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 10:12:29 AM UTC-5, Forest Applied Remote 
>> Sensing RG (FARS) wrote:
>>> Stefan,
>>> Thanks for your help, but I end up solving the problem. I combined the 
>>> gaussin filter plus the max filter. The result now is much better.
>>> Now I'm strugling to export the local maxima points. Is there a function 
>>> to export the points from the local maxima?
>>> Cheers,
>>> JP
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