Areas of contours

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Wed Sep 10 20:03:32 EDT 2014

Hi Mike

On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Maik Riechert <maik.riechert at> wrote:
> In OpenCV I used findContours() and then contourArea() to calculate the area
> of each contour. I couldn't find this in scikit-image. If I didn't miss it
> somewhere, could that be added as a new function?

I happened to run into very similar problems this week.  I see no
reason to include its calculation, especially if we can also implement
additional contour finding algorithms (at the moment, we just have
constant-value contours via marching squares).  We can implement it as
a helper method for regionprops, and then update regionprops to use it
once it supports proper region boundary detection.

Would you be interested in helping with this?  My standard reference
for polygons is

If not, let me know and I'll give it a shot.


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