Areas of contours

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Wed Sep 10 05:43:57 EDT 2014

Hey Maik,

Can you be a bit more specific? The pipeline may need to be a bit different, but this seems doable. In particular, regionprops(image)[i].area will return the area of all binary-labeled regions.

If that doesn’t help, if you have an example image with code it might be easier to translate your workflow.

Note that we don’t attempt to offer feature parity with OpenCV, which has a lot of hard computer vision algorithms that we lack. But this in particular should be doable.

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On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 7:40 PM, Maik Riechert <maik.riechert at>

> Hi,
> I'm currently switching from OpenCV to scikit-image and came to a point 
> where I miss a certain feature.
> In OpenCV I used findContours() and then contourArea() to calculate the 
> area of each contour. I couldn't find this in scikit-image. If I didn't 
> miss it somewhere, could that be added as a new function?
> Thanks
> Maik
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