Face detection

Vasanth Kalingeri vasanth.kalingeri at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 02:55:39 EST 2014

Hi Stéfan,

      I am a computer science undergrad, presently in my second year and 
extremely interested in machine learning and computer vision. 

      I found the project that you mentioned, here 
<https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/wiki/GSoC-2014>and I find it 
to be really interesting to work on. I have used the haar classifier for 
detecting faces(mostly as a black box) and I would like to understand its 
working so that I can work on this project, can you please let me know how 
I start with this? Any good algorithms in recent research papers that I 
have to read? or any essential prerequisites for the project?

     Thanks a lot in advance.

Vasanth Kalingeri

On Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:05:31 PM UTC+5:30, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
> Hi everyone 
> I've been interested in getting face detection into skimage for a 
> while.  This morning, Nathan Faggian reminded me that the highly 
> popular Viola-Jones detector is patent encumbered (yes, if you're not 
> careful you can use patented code in packages like OpenCV).  However, 
> the following link seems to suggest that we can work around that by 
> training our own classifier with different features: 
> http://rafaelmizrahi.blogspot.com/2007/02/intel-opencv-face-detection-license.html 
> If there's any interest in working on this, or if you already have an 
> algorithm available, please get in touch. 
> Stéfan 
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