ANN: SciPy 2014 Conference, July 6th - 12th, Austin, TX!

Tony Yu tsyu80 at
Mon Feb 17 00:10:39 EST 2014

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 6:55 PM, Johannes Schönberger <jsch at> wrote:

> Maybe, I'll finally make it as I am not too far off... but not yet sure
> about time and money :-)
> Hi Johannes,

It doesn't look like the page is up yet, but there should be sponsorships
available, and you should definitely apply. (I was sponsored for my trip 2
years ago.)

Were you thinking of doing a scikit-image presentation, or possibly even a
tutorial? I was entertaining the idea of submitting a scikit-image tutorial
proposal (again), in case you're interested working together on something
(same to you, Juan).

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