peak detectors

François Boulogne fboulogne at
Tue Dec 16 14:39:49 EST 2014

Hi Emma,
> 	just a quick survey: which algorithms are you using for peak
> detection (detection of local maxima in a grayscale image), and which
> ones are you most satisfied of? We were wondering about the existence of
> good peak detectors during the scikit-image sprint, following
> difficulties with existing ones such as our feature.peak_local_max (see
> for example the discussion in

Something I had in mind at some point is a peak detection based on
wavelets, but I did not find the time to finish that.
In my notes, I have this repository which contains a code
working with pywavelet and a link to the paper. They got nice results on
a very noisy signal. Might not be universal, but useful for sure.

As you may know, I worked a bit with Ralf (Ralf did more than I) to
clean up pywavelet (mainly documentation, coding style, API). Ralf has a
clone on his github page. Pywavelet is not maintained anymore by its
original author. The next step is to integrate the code to scipy but we
need to find somebody who wants to play with C-python bindings. (The
last Gsoc project on that was not accepted). Definitely something that
would be useful to scikit-image and probably many other users.


François Boulogne.
GPG: 32D5F22F

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