Real-time interaction forum

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sat Apr 26 21:21:14 EDT 2014

Hey, Stuart

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 9:10 PM, Stuart Mumford <stuart at> wrote:
> Partly motivated by this conversation, and partly by my need to experiment,
> I have written a module for the IRC bot we use in SunPy
> ( so that you can tell it to send you
> pushover ( or email notifications when your nick is
> mentioned in a channel the bot is in. My code so far is here:
> it is very basic but it works.

That's really neat!

> I would be happy to run a bot and a logger as already mention if you guys
> decide to set up a IRC channel, so this would at least give you
> notifications.

Thanks, that's very kind of you.  I think a lot of people would
appreciate having an IRC channel.  Does the logger update a page in
real-time so that a person could "watch" IRC via the web?


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