ndarray subclasses

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Sep 24 18:02:15 EDT 2013

On Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:43:42 -0500, Thomas A Caswell wrote:
> My concern with this proposal is now the user has two independent ways to
> pass in the same information.  If inconsistent information is passed in the
> library has to make a decision about which one takes precedence.  This adds
> to the complexity of the function and can only lead to confusion on the
> part of the users when they think the precedence should have the opposite
> order.

Let's postpone this API decision until we have more certainty on how it'd be
used.  For now,

my_func(image, sampling=image.sampling)

is quite adequate.  It still allows the user to add sampling information to
their images, if they'd so wish.


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