CIELUV Transformations

Isaac Gerg isaac.gerg at
Wed Oct 16 17:29:40 EDT 2013

I don't want to propagate false information and must correct myself from my 
initial post on this thread.

According to "Principles of Color Technology" by Roy S. Berns, it is a myth 
that" CIELAB was recommended for large color differences and tha tCIELUV 
was recommended for small color differences."  It is also a myth that 
"CIELAB is recommended for reflecting samples while CIELUV is recommended 
for sources and displays."  The second myth is what I originally stated as 
fact but is incorrect. 

In my literature review, several sources state these two myths are truths 
but provide no citations


On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 3:52:26 PM UTC-4, Isaac Gerg wrote:
> I have completed the changes to so that luv is now supported. 
>  Whom do I email the file to so that it can be included in the repo?
> Isaac
> On Friday, October 11, 2013 1:22:57 PM UTC-4, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Isaac Gerg <isaac... at> 
>> wrote: 
>> > I am limited on time but am happy to provide code if someone can put it 
>> into 
>> > github for me. 
>> Sure, a patch is just fine. 
>> Thanks! 
>> Stéfan 
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