Cython guidelines

Josh Warner silvertrumpet999 at
Wed May 29 19:26:34 EDT 2013

+1 for both of these. Should we add them to `CONTRIBUTING.txt`? 

One gotcha I ran into with memoryviews that might be relevant to others: 
I got over-exuberant and memoryviewed everything, including the output 
array, which created problems. Unless I missed something, to return NumPy 
arrays we still need the `cnp.ndarray(...)` syntax for output(s).

On Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:37:01 AM UTC-5, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
> Hi everyone 
> Two Cython related suggestions: 
> 1) We should raise the dependency to 0.16 and start using memoryviews 
> (they are much faster) 
> 2) When documenting Cython functions, remember to include default 
> values in the docstring--one cannot introspect these function 
> signatures from IPython! 
> Stéfan 
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