GSoC 2013 Proposal : Implementation of STAR and Binary Feature Detectors and Descriptors

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Wed May 1 21:39:55 EDT 2013

Hi Ankit

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:16 AM, Ankit Agrawal <aaaagrawal at> wrote:
> @Stefan and Tony : Did you get a chance to go over my proposal, especially
> the implementation timeline? I think that implementing FAST instead of BRISK
> during the summer would make the timeline schedule better. I will implement
> the BRISK after the Summer of Code. Your thoughts on this?

The proposal looks good; I think we'll have a better idea of a
realistic timeline once we start coding, but that seems like a
reasonable estimate.

I think it would be helpful if you could Google for some of the recent
papers that compared many of these binary features, to see which work
best, and then motivate which should be implemented first.


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