How to get a region chain code?

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sun Jul 21 16:22:18 EDT 2013

Hi Valeriy

On Sat, 13 Jul 2013 02:58:33 -0700, Valeriy Sokolov wrote:
> I am studying a shape descriptors and would like to compute a chain code 
> description of a labeled shape. I was trying to look into docs but have not 
> find a direct way to get this region property with skimage. Is there any 
> way to do it in a few calls which I missed?

Unfortunately, we do not currently have any chain codes.  If you'd
like to write it yourself, we could give a hand with that (depending on
the speed you need, it should not be too hard).  Otherwise, a longer term plan
would be to implement the connectivity graph Marianne referred to.


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