Building the docs using python 3

Jostein Bø Fløystad jostein.floystad at
Sun Jul 14 16:13:12 EDT 2013


> I assume that we do want the docs to build using python3. The question is
> how we go about porting the files in question with a minimal duplication of
> the efforts made by other projects? Just copying files into the skimage
> source tree seems very much like a short-term solution to me…
> I do not see another way than copying the relevant extension files from
> NumPy. Any other suggestions?

It is possible, of course. I have not investigated all the files in depth,
but I found that ipython has recently fixed one of the sphinx extension
files skimage also includes. However, their version has diverged from
skimage's functionality-wise. These files obviously have common ancestry,
but digging into two repo's git history to find the common version might be
some work. One solution may be a separate repo somewhere where these sphinx
extensions are maintained. It could then be included in several projects as
submodules, for example.

> > On a related note, it would be nice to have travis CI build the docs and
> look for errors automatically. Presently, if an example fails to run, that
> example seems to simply disappear from the generated docs without the build
> failing; this is hardly ideal.
Travis currently runs all examples, building the docs as well is a good
> addition in my opinion.
> Building the docs with travis is in principle very easy to set up. What
needs looking into, is how to make sphinx exit with a non-zero error code
when appropriate. Currently, the exit code is still zero even when rather
bad things happen (like an example failing to run under sphinx; we recently
had an issue (#649) where an example failed under sphinx but ran
successfully stand-alone and passed travis).
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