Get the mask for a contour

Francesc Alted francesc at
Thu Feb 28 07:17:23 EST 2013

On 2/28/13 2:17 AM, Tony Yu wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:58 AM, Francesc Alted <francesc at 
> <mailto:francesc at>> wrote:
>     On 2/27/13 3:44 AM, Tony Yu wrote:
>         On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:53 AM, Francesc Alted
>         <francesc at <mailto:francesc at>
>         <mailto:francesc at <mailto:francesc at>>>
>         wrote:
>             On 2/25/13 1:34 PM, St�fan van der Walt wrote:
>                 Hi Francesc!
>                 On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Francesc Alted
>                 <francesc at <mailto:francesc at>
>         <mailto:francesc at <mailto:francesc at>>>
>         wrote:
>                     This is my first post here :)  I'm using scikits
>         image for
>                     getting some
>                 Welcome :)
>                     features from images.  What I'd like is, given a
>         contour
>                     as a serie of dots,
>                     how can I mask (to zero) the points outside the
>         contour?
>                 There happens to be an implementation of that both in
>                 scikit-image and
>                 in matplotlib.  We use it only internally at the
>         moment, so it is
>                 exposed as:
>                 from skimage._shared.geometry cimport point_in_polygon
>                 and (with a slightly more Pythonic interface) as
>                 skimage.morphology._pnpoly
>             Yes!  _pnpoly.grid_points_inside_poly() is what I need,
>         but I can
>             see points_inside_poly() being useful too.  I'm working on
>         a PR
>             for making these public, but I'm currently getting an
>         error when
>             trying to process the docs:
>             ```
>             doc/$ make
>             [clip]
>             Making output directory...
>             Running Sphinx v1.1.3
>         /Users/faltet/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
>             UserWarning:  This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect
>             because the the backend has already been chosen;
>             matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab,
>         matplotlib.pyplot,
>             or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time.
>               warnings.warn(_use_error_msg)
>             loading pickled environment... not yet created
>             loading intersphinx inventory from
>             loading intersphinx inventory from
>             loading intersphinx inventory from
>             loading intersphinx inventory from
>             Exception occurred:
>               File "<string>", line 6, in <module>
>             ImportError: No module named rank
>             The full traceback has been saved in
>         /var/folders/2q/970l17jj7sl3mb_jgmmrnw2r0000gn/T/sphinx-err-XyEnG6.log,
>             if you want to report the issue to the developers.
>             Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a
>         better
>             error message can be provided next time.
>             Either send bugs to the mailing list at
>             <>,
>             or report them in the tracker at
>             <>. Thanks!
>             make: *** [html] Error 1
>             ```
>             I'm using Python 2.7.3 and Sphinx 1.1.3.  Any hints on this?
>             Thanks!
>             --     Francesc Alted
>         Hi Francesc!
>         Could you also post the full traceback. The path is given just
>         below the ImportError ("/var/folders/....log")
>     Here you have:
>     ```
>     # Sphinx version: 1.1.3
>     # Python version: 2.7.3
>     # Docutils version: 0.10 release
>     # Jinja2 version: 2.6
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/",
>     line 188, in main
>         warningiserror, tags)
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/",
>     line 134, in __init__
>         self._init_builder(buildername)
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/",
>     line 195, in _init_builder
>         self.emit('builder-inited')
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/",
>     line 314, in emit
>         results.append(callback(self, *args))
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/software/scikit-image/doc/source/../ext/",
>     line 183, in generate_example_galleries
>         generate_examples_and_gallery(example_dir, rst_dir, cfg)
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/software/scikit-image/doc/source/../ext/",
>     line 198, in generate_examples_and_gallery
>         write_gallery(gallery_index, example_dir, rst_dir, cfg)
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/software/scikit-image/doc/source/../ext/",
>     line 250, in write_gallery
>         write_example(src_name, src_dir, rst_dir, cfg)
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/software/scikit-image/doc/source/../ext/",
>     line 315, in write_example
>         figure_list, rst = process_blocks(blocks, src_path,
>     image_path, cfg)
>       File
>     "/Users/faltet/software/scikit-image/doc/source/../ext/",
>     line 483, in process_blocks
>         exec(bcontent, example_globals)
>       File "<string>", line 6, in <module>
>     ImportError: No module named rank
>     ```
>     I suppose this is a bug in Sphinx itself, but thanks for looking
>     into this!
> Actually, I'm not so sure about this. Could you try running the 
> example in doc/examples/applications/ (relative to 
> skimage repo root)? My guess is that you'll get the same error.

Yes, you are right:

$ python doc/examples/applications/
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "doc/examples/applications/", line 78, in 
     from skimage.filter.rank import median
ImportError: No module named rank

I have tracked down the error to the fact that I was using the scikit 
image that comes with the Anaconda distribution (0.7.1). After forcing 
make to use the new scikit image, things progress more, but I still run 
into a different problem:

$ PYTHONPATH=.. make
Rotated images matched against references using LBP:
original: brick, rotated: 30deg, match result: brick
original: brick, rotated: 70deg, match result: brick
original: grass, rotated: 145deg, match result: grass

Exception occurred:
"/Users/faltet/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 
418, in set_data
     raise TypeError("Image data can not convert to float")
TypeError: Image data can not convert to float
The full traceback has been saved in 
if you want to report the issue to the developers.
Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error 
message can be provided next time.
Either send bugs to the mailing list at 
or report them in the tracker at 
<>. Thanks!
make: *** [html] Error 1

and the contents of 
/var/folders/2q/970l17jj7sl3mb_jgmmrnw2r0000gn/T/sphinx-err-2Zhc1A.log are:

# Sphinx version: 1.1.3
# Python version: 2.7.3
# Docutils version: 0.10 release
# Jinja2 version: 2.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 188, in main
     warningiserror, tags)
line 134, in __init__
line 195, in _init_builder
line 314, in emit
     results.append(callback(self, *args))
line 183, in generate_example_galleries
     generate_examples_and_gallery(example_dir, rst_dir, cfg)
line 198, in generate_examples_and_gallery
     write_gallery(gallery_index, example_dir, rst_dir, cfg)
line 250, in write_gallery
     write_example(src_name, src_dir, rst_dir, cfg)
line 315, in write_example
     figure_list, rst = process_blocks(blocks, src_path, image_path, cfg)
line 483, in process_blocks
     exec(bcontent, example_globals)
   File "<string>", line 59, in <module>
   File "<string>", line 21, in plot_img_and_hist
line 7091, in imshow
"/Users/faltet/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 
418, in set_data
     raise TypeError("Image data can not convert to float")
TypeError: Image data can not convert to float

Uh, that seems like a problem with my matplotlib (1.2.0) in Anaconda?  
Or it is just skimage's

Francesc Alted

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