Pattern drawing library ideas

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sat Dec 7 21:08:10 EST 2013

Hi, Adam

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 2:07 AM, Adam Hughes <hughesadam87 at> wrote:
> 1.  Is this something that, if executed well, would be of interest to
> incorporate into scikit image?  If so, I will start working on it as a
> branch; otherwise, we'll just use skimage as a dependency.  I'd image it
> would either be a submodule of skimage.draw(), something like
> skimage.draw.ensemble() or draw.psuedodata()...
> 2.  Is anyone aware of a pre-existing tooset/library (preferrably in Python)
> that's built for this?  And if so, is that library compatible to skimage?

What you are building reminds me a bit of a scenegraph.  You are
probably better off using a library like Matplotlib for rendering
anything remotely involved.  In `skimage` we provide a very basic
drawing API with the explicit goal of manipulating images (arrays)
directly, but it is not meant as an advanced canvas.

I reckon that you will develop some low-level primitives as you go
along, and those would fit well into `skimage.draw`.


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