random walker segmentation

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org
Mon Aug 5 02:36:42 EDT 2013

Hi Josh,

thanks for your answer! I'll probably work on the new implementation
during the Euroscipy sprint, we'll see whether Cython can decrese the
small performance hit :-). 


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 03:31:19PM -0700, Josh Warner wrote:
> Hi Emmanuelle,

> I think this would be a good step forward, and would be happy to help! My guess
> is
> that this approach could be sped up further in Cython with code we control,
> making
> it easier to maintain and expose similar performance to all users.

> The memory issue is a real one, particularly for larger (multichannel)
> datasets. That
> alone probably justifies the addition, even at the expense of a small
> performance hit.
> But we'll see how small we can make the hit ;)

> Also, the iterative solution framework might be useful for other algorithms.

> Josh

> On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 3:50:16 PM UTC-5, Emmanuelle Gouillart wrote:

>             Hello,

>             a while ago, I contributed to skimage an implementation of the
>     random walker segmentation algorithm (which has been improved and
>     extended by many others since then). This algorithm computes a multilabel
>     segmentation using seeds (already labeled pixels), by determining for an
>     unlabeled pixel the probability that a seed diffuses to the pixel (with
>     an anisotropic diffusion coefficient depending on the gradient between
>     neighboring pixels).

>             In the current implementation in skimage, the computation of the
>     probability map is done by inverting a large sparse linear system
>     (involving the Laplacian of the graph of pixels). Different methods can
>     be chosen to solve the linear system: a brute force inversion only
>     works for tiny images; a conjugate gradient method works well but is
>     quite slow. If the package pyamg is available, a multigrid method is used
>     to compute a preconditioner, which speeds up the algorithm -- but it
>     requires pyamg. Also, the memory cost of the algorithm is important
>     (linear, I think, though. I haven't yet taken the time to use a memory
>     profiler but I should).

>             Recently, a colleague brought to my attention that the linear
>     system was just a set of fixed-point equations, that could be solved
>     iteratively. Indeed, the solution verifies that the probability of a
>     pixel is the weighted sum (with weights on edges that are a decreasing
>     function of gradients) of the probabilities of its neighbors. I have
>     written a quick and dirty implementation (only for 2-D grayscale images
>     and for 2 labels) of this "local" version, available on
>     https://github.com/emmanuelle/scikits.image/blob/local_random_walker/
>     skimage/segmentation/local_random_walker.py

>             It turns out that this implementation is slower than the
>     conjugate gradient with multigrid acceleration (typically 2 to three
>     times slower), but it has several advantages. First, it can be as fast as
>     the "simple" conjugate gradient (without pyamg's muligrid acceleration),
>     which is the mode that most users will use (we don't expect users to
>     install pymag when they are just trying out algorithms). Second, its
>     memory cost is lower (for example, the weight of an edge is stored only
>     once, while it appears twice in the Laplacian matrix). Finally, because
>     the operations only involve neighboring pixels, it is possible that
>     further speed optimization can be done (using cython... or maybe a GPU
>     implementation, even if we're not that far yet with skimage).

>             So, should we replace the linear algebra implementation with this
>     simpler local and iterative implementation ? I'd be interested in knowing
>     about your opinion.

>             Cheers,
>             Emmanuelle

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