functions of ndimage

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at
Wed Apr 24 02:33:21 EDT 2013

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Josh Warner <silvertrumpet999 at>wrote:

> (like the change of `scipy.ndimage.label` coming in 0.13)

Huh? For the less-informed among us, could you elaborate? A quick Googling
was not informative... And I have (approximately) 5 bajillion functions
that depend on `nd.label`. =)

If this were to be implemented, would our policy then be to use relative
> imports for the wrapped versions of these functions internally, rather than
> importing from SciPy?

I hadn't considered this but it makes a lot of sense, as it potentially
slowly decouples scikit-image from its scipy dependency.
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