functions of ndimage

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Tue Apr 23 18:19:37 EDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:49 PM, Emmanuelle Gouillart
<emmanuelle.gouillart at> wrote:
>         I can see only a small number of scipy.ndimage functions that are
> concerned, like gaussian_filter, distance_transform_edt,
> binary_fill_holes, but I now think that it'd be worth having a wrapper
> for these functions in skimage, for the sake of users not well aware of
> scipy.ndimage. We already depend on scipy anyway.

I'd be happy to put wrappers to those functions in skimage, as long as
we do a thorough review of the API of each.  That turns out to be one
of skimage's strongest benefits, and we shouldn't rely on ndimage to
have considered it very carefully.  I think it would help if we had
some practical use cases of each of these, to guide us in the right

But yes, I can see how this would confuse beginners...


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