imageio progress

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at
Sat Apr 6 11:20:43 EDT 2013

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Almar Klein <almar.klein at> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Several months ago, I decided to take the code for skimage's freeimage
> plugin (which was originally written by Zach Pincus) and turn it into a
> stand-alone library. I discussed with Zach and a few others how to proceed
> with that, and it seemed that time was a limiting factor for many, so I
> ended up doing most coding on my own.
> The project is called imageio <> and it is
> now a plugin-based library with a relatively small core. The freeimage
> plugin that started it all currently provides most file formats. Its now at
> a stage where I think the core is pretty much finished, and focus can shift
> towards different plugins for various scientific formats. But I am not
> going to do that alone :)
> I could use some help with:
>   * People just trying it out.
>   * People checking the design of the classes<>and plugin
> system <>.
>   * If possible, people checking out the code a bit.
>   * And of course, people writing plugins!
> The way I see it, imageio can become a common backend for reading and
> writing images for several libraries (including skimage), or can function
> stand-alone.
> Further, I plan on moving it to github to easier attract developers.
> Any help and comments is much appreciated,

Hi Almar, this looks interesting. I'm not really working with images
anymore, but was tempted to try imageio out anyway. Installation was
smooth, and the 16-bit TIFF image I tried loaded just fine (where PIL still
chokes). So in it's current form I suspect it's already quite useful for
some people.

I haven't looked in enough detail to be able to comment on the
classes/plugin design.

An option to use imageio.imread/imsave (and/or as
an alternative to PIL from scipy.misc.imread/imshow would make sense to me.

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