Reading .jp2 in skimage

Tony Yu tsyu80 at
Mon Oct 29 18:09:24 EDT 2012

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Jaidev Deshpande <
deshpande.jaidev at> wrote:

> Hello,
> Are jpeg 2000 images supported in skimage? I tried looking for it in
> the docs but didn't find anything.
> Thanks
> --
> JD
Hey JD,

skimage doesn't implement image readers, but instead, uses other i/o
libraries as plugins (so there's no good way to list image format support).
For me, `` doesn't read jp2 by default (my default plugin
is 'PIL'), but I can set the plugin to 'freeimage' to read jp2 images; e.g.

    from skimage import io
    io.imread('some_image.jp2', plugin='freeimage')

which uses freeimage just for that one call or


which changes your default io plugin to freeimage. You'd need to have the
freeimage library installed on your system to use this plugin:

There may be other skimage plugins that support jp2, but I'm not sure.

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