Cython fused types

Mathieu Blondel mathieu at
Mon Oct 8 15:27:19 EDT 2012

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Tony Yu <tsyu80 at> wrote:

> I actually tried to bump up the Cython requirement to 0.16 (see
> about a month ago, but that turned out to be **way** too soon.
> For example, the current Ubuntu, 12.04, ships with Cython 0.15. I guess
> Ubuntu 12.10 will be released soon, and that release includes Cython 0.16.
> That said, I'm not sure if targeting the most recent Ubuntu is what we want
> to do (since it will be too fast for some people).
> Andreas or Mathieu: Does scikit-learn have a policy for upgrading
> dependencies (in particular Cython)?

In scikit-learn, we've decided to use Cython 0.17 but we include generated
.c files in the git repository so the dependency is only for developers who
want to regenerate a particular .c file from the corresponding .pyx file...

A downside is that this generates large and hard to read diffs but we
recently merged a .gitattributes file that should alleviate this problem:

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