Coverage table on the website

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Tue Oct 2 02:51:39 EDT 2012

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 11:37 PM, Wei LI <liwei at> wrote:
> For the functions, I personally need some functions like im2col in matlab
> and I would be rather happy to implement in scikits-image.

I think you can already do that, based on the image windows
implemented by Nicolas Pinto et al.

> @Stéfan MATLAB compatibility table can provide us an example for how to
> organize the functions for an image-processing toolbox and get more users to
> transfer from matlab to use skimage. I just want to make myself clear of
> what the project lacks currently and what priority is that.

Agreed, as long as it is up to date; at the moment that table does not
reflect the state of skimage.

> IMHO, I think if the pages on the tasks in the contribution page can
> describe each tasks in more details then it would be more friendly to new
> contributors? Another thing is maybe adding one chapter to describe the core
> API is quite useful, like the image classes and other developer utilities is
> useful?



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