Normalised cross correlation

Malcolm Reynolds malcolm.reynolds at
Tue Mar 6 12:16:37 EST 2012

Hi everyone,

I've just stumbled across skimage as I'm going through to arduous process 
of trying to switch my workflow (PhD study of computer vision & machine 
learning) from matlab to python. The project looks great but I'm currently 
in need of a fast Normalised Cross Correlation function. As it is, I can't 
find any python implementation which is anywhere near the speed of Matlab's 
normxcorr2 (correct me if I'm wrong...) and it looks like a corresponding 
function to match the normxcorr2 behaviour is planned but not yet 
implemented for skimage. Is this correct? I'd be interested in looking into 
this and contributing some code to the project, but before I put a heap of 
time into it I just wanted to check that something didn't already exist in 
this or another numpy-based project.


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